What pride !
What joy
What love
Who art thou?
How did you?
Why would you?
Portray such love
All my life
I’ve known one soul
All these years I’ve loved one human
All my heart desires
The love of this persona
This woman , MOTHER EARTH!
Look at you ___ you lost everything
Gained everything ___gave everything !
What are you?
You’re bathe
In the deeper-most tubes
Of poverty and insufficiency
Loneliness and rejection
Hatred and abandonment
Maltreatment and disrespect
But how
How did you sail through?
What energy?
Borne of you?
What confidence!
Indolence, could it?
No mummy,
Your humility
Your love
For mankind
For your family
For me
For us
What trouble?
What pain?
What anger?
What misunderstandings?
All of these and more haven’t
Caused you
But did you ever give up?
Why mother?
Why didn’t you!
You could have
You know?
Left us
All of us and him inclusive
Led life
Like the others
Enjoyed self
Explored more
Did everything
Met everyone !
But you sacrificed
That which never in the Times of Adam shown thee
Who art thou?
You are my Hero
My legend!
You’re selfless
You shouldn’t be and shouldn’t have
You’re strong
You mustn’t have , really!
You’re intelligent – A VISIONARY!
I’d kill to deny you if you weren’t
You’re hard working
Now you should have forced the passage of that trait unto I
You’re kind
I wish I hadn’t taken after you, I would careless and hurt less
But no mummy!
You passed on this trait
To whom do I leave it to?
A mother who says unto the prodigal child,
“Come home ,I understand, you’re my child for heavens sake”
You’re willing and open to all
This has been our enemies spot
But we won’t stop
Will we?
Will you?
Should I?
Your positivity and synergy towards life is hella contagious
You seek to finish that which you started .
Life has been bumpy , corny, and kinda happy.
But I won’t give up on you
Like you took care of me
This woman I’ve become
Will never let you go
A proud woman you’ll be
For what’s worth
I really miss you mum
Yes fourteen days already and I wish you hadn’t left me
I thought your presence was enough noise
Your absence is enough silent, mum
How I wish I could turn back time
And ask for the days
I’d get home with so much noise from your radio and I get to turn it off , the result a mini funny beef between us.
And your noise making party with you grandchildren,
well that I don’t miss !
I’ll miss you worrying about not eating , not talking to anyone and most definitely not taking medicines when the toughest human falls flat .
Guess what I won’t be missing?
Your teachings
The values
The manners
The Christian faith
All of these
And you again!
Cuz they’re right here with me
My love for you hits the lost planet and back
You have fought and lived a good one
I’ll fight for you
From the ribs
Cometh forth
Pleaser of all substance
Abuser of all humans
And oh
You inclusive
How could he?
Your silence
Though bravery
Folly, I believe
For a good cause
I suppose
Couldn’t there have been a way out?
The red flags
Could you not see?
Oh flowers and chocolates blindfolded you?
Or perhaps nothing of that sort
Gracious woman
You are
For the love of man
You suffered
The physical
The emotional
The abuse
Unto you a baby is born
A mistake
You nurtured into acceptance
Your seeds have grown fruits
My kind
Your kind
But I grew quite differently
A perfectionist
A dreamy idealist
I know too much !
Look what you caused !
A mistake you fought through
A mistake I never like to repeat
Nor will attach
Never !
For generations plea
It taught me
Your story!
I witnessed it
I voiced out sometime
For you, remember ?
The silence in your voice said more
I understood and even better !
Those eyes would say ,
Speak up for me
Don’t tolerate this Ama
And the most Times
Cursed is you , if you don’t find any better !
And I’d nod and weap in silence
For the worst ,
Souls I’ve met sorta kinda Look like him
But I was too much in my heart I let them sometimes until the dots connected and I RUN!
Never again mother !
A book they say cannot be underestimated for the cover sake .
I believe
You wore the most smiles
Every time
Realistically ,
You shouldn’t have !
I love you mummy!
An abnormal baby like I
11 months , I stayed in there you say?
A single parent, you recall?- until when?
Out in the bloody cold
90 days , in the family way
Your verdict
From thy supreme judge
And WOW I exclaim again !
But I thought you were a duo ?
Where was he?
An abortion ?
Wait mum,
I’m not supposed to be here
But you saved me
God bless you !
Well I didn’t turn out bad
Did I?
NO child!!!!
You turned out great – GOD
Look even God is with you !
The little girl who told you all about my siblings mistreatment towards me while you were away
I promise to keep in touch as often as the Times past .
My day?
The experiences?
Who I met? Bumped into?
The future Mr right?
You got me !
Remember how dad would ask you to take me along everywhere you went?
Well because I was a handful
Maybe not anymore
Hmmmm…. I can’t change can I?
Oh right I still am a handful
But we alright!
I loved it
Now I’d take you with me all the way to the end
This journey
I ask for the guidance and blessings of the Most High
One who writes the synopsis and finishes the story duly
He shall direct your path
Bless you!
Find you a mother like MOTHER EARTH
Wow!. Interesting, very interesting
Humbled! @Esenam