Inertia is the tendency of a body at rest unwilling or some sort inexpressive except with the intervention of a third party or force

I’m a master artist at inertia
My morning starts with an alarm at 4 am to wake up, pray, study and then work out.
I hit snooze over and over and over again until I turn it off completely, struggling with my minds controversies to stay awake .until eventually up at 7am!
Bad isn’t it?

For the worst part, I spend close to 20 minutes in the bathroom and then about an hour trying to find the perfect hairstyle for the day until I finally walk out the door.
I sit still doing nothing for hours
Replying to text messages or so scrolling my timeline on Instagram!

What a mess, you say?

We’re a lazy bunch
You find that we coil up in bed all day when our subconsciousness is aware of the fact that there is nothing to do.

Knowing pretty sure there’s something to do such as work, school, party, dinner, meeting, examination,
Our bodies stay in tune with these activities for our minds to communicate with it.

A typical example is when you know you have a class at 8 am, whether or not you slept at 1am,
Your brain automatically communicates to the body to somewhat stay awake to be ready for school.

While there’s nothing to do, but vacation,
Say some hallelujah people!
Body and brain. Let’s sleep some more!

Well I won’t find this a wrong activity to do really
But the degree at which we allow our brains or so feed the brain such information to plan navigation,
We realize that consistency comes to play in our minds where subconsciously or consciously our body picks up a routine which is able to destroy our professional style, competition with time and body, brain and body etc…

Ultimately, our brains have more power to control our actions than we give it credit for.. To conquer the conflicts of life, one must have conquered conflicts of the mind.

Here’s a survey I did, I asked a few incredible friends the question below and this is what they shared, I hope it helps us do better going forward…

Do you know how to conquer the mind?
I’d like to know
Practical steps on achieving consistency
Stop time wasting
Kill inertia
Improve self ,to be able to study or achieve whatever dreams one has ?

1.Prince Tagoe:

Set very simple achievable goals and try to do them, only then can you begin to build on consistency
But most importantly, you have to talk less and have more time to yourself
Talk less as a person
Be precise when expressing yourself
Set alarm until it becomes a habit
But sleep conscious of the fact that you set an alarm and it will ring
When it rings tell yourself it’s the first test of the day and you intend to pass it

2. Nana

If you are not passionate about what you are doing, you will not be motivated to try again should you fail.
Passion, therefore, drives consistency
Practical steps…
Plan your project
Organize it.
Control its impact
Then, look for new ways to Develop it.
Occasionally evaluate your project to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Apply the whole process again.
Time management is everything.
Leave the house an hour early.
When you get to your appointment on time, it sends a good message to whoever you are meeting and gives you ample time to relax and prepare for whatever you are going to do


When push comes to shove I usually wake up early
I am a Sagittarius and hence procrastination is next to me however when I want something is done urgently I do it especially if it affects my future positively or negatively usually if it’s positive I do it ASAP
Take it a week at a time and you’ll be fine, FYI don’t be too hard on yourself

4.Adwoa Frempah

Feeding it with thoughts that motivate you rather than destroy you. You decide what to feed it with rather than letting it control you.
It’s not easy. But it’s easier if u have something to do or a task to achieve. So let’s say you can decide to wake up to study or do some write-ups.
I started mine with an alarm. And eventually, my body got used to it.
And it’s better if you practice sleeping early.
You can’t cheat nature
So you’d start with 30mins late, small till you can wake up at the exact time
But in the end, you do what helps you most. Some people are not the morning type but they still achieve what they want.
For me I achieve better results when there’s peace and everyone is asleep.

5.Nana Amankwah

My coach thought me this
These are the three D’s
You need this to stay on top
Write these down
At the end of the day or week, you score yourself
Let’s say
Determination- 6
Dedication- 5
Discipline- 9

Impressive feeds from these guys!
God bless them for sharing with us !
Buckle up! Feed self to growth!

Conclusively, it’s all in your head, you can equally get them out and press on for a positive change. Too many excuses rid us of greater opportunities in life. If only we’d challenge ourselves every day to achieve any one task, we’d be well informed, be kinder, more patient and enthused to learn.

Do it again
Fail again
Until you reach, don’t stop the journey.

We have the tendency of reducing this inertia if we observe closely, analyze critically and plan motives and deduce failures.




Thank you for passing through! #wellgetthere

Kindly take a minute to answer this poll to press for a change!


  1. That’s an insightful piece. Personally with my daily activities which is very routine, I often find myself in the state of inertia, and when I do, crazy me, my heart often wins the battle to my mind. I follow my heart most often and I listen to what it is saying…But then again not all the time.

  2. That’s an insightful piece. Personally with my daily activities which is very routine, I often find myself in the state of inertia, and when I do, crazy me, my heart often wins the battle to my mind. I follow my heart most often and I listen to what it is saying…But then again not all the time.


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