Our paths are different
Way different
Like the trains take the rail ,planes the skies, and cars the normal roads.
Even cats have various ways of getting killed .
I remember how I had planned my life growing up
So it went something like this,
- 14 – finish junior high school
- 18- completes senior high school
- 22- degree holder
- 25- be married with kids and a hubby ( lol__of course with a hubby?)
I tell you what ,
It didn’t look anything like that.
I remember how I had started with some friends and only assumed we’d go together and finish at the same time…
I’m only human ,at some point I felt I was living the same year every year.
( Yeah read that again)
And I knew I needed something different everytime…
I’ve given up a thousand moments
Picked myself up one million times
You know why?
Because,there is no one to do it for me but me.
My hope and trust in God run away somewhere so many times,
I was just living
Jumping from this to that
Family counseling me like I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life.
Honestly,I knew exactly what I wanted to do
I’ve always known that
Possibly the Ghanaian parent I have doesn’t understand who a multipotentialite is
And that I had to prove it.
I said to my aunt one time ,” you guys don’t understand me , and I don’t know how to explain it.
well, “I am a multipotentialite”
Why did I have to use such huge word? She almost bit her tongue and cracked a joke *S3 Asa* Ghanaian dialect ,meaning “it is finished” ??
It won’t be easy
You might not be comparing your life with others but reality will check you sometime along the way and it will make you analyze your value and worth at the same time break you down .
You’re human , do not keep in it
Be vulnerable all you can
Get right back up
Keep it moving
Understand you’re different from all the stars in the sky
So are the others
You’ll shine in due time
You’re not a failure if your paths looks different from what the majority is used to and have accepted as the norm?
Guess what?
They’re not God
They can’t be
Only if they could see your future , I’d urge you to bless them.
Unfortunately, no man can see what God has planned for HIS children ,NO MAN!
Trust the timing of your journey
Are you in a rush to get off at koforidua (a city in Ghana) when you’re heading to Kumasi?
I mean ,that’s not where you should alight.
Stay calm
Read some books
Listen to some good music
Connect with souls
Do not nag the driver so much
Trust that he knows the route more than you think you do especially if you haven’t threaded that path before…
Humble self to be uplifted by HE who promises heaven and earth ,gives them to you and asks for nothing in return!
Be blessed and trust that journey
Wake up on time
Get on board on time
Enjoy the ride
Pray and appreciate everyone’s effort.
We’ll get there !