Are you informing?

Educating or motivating someone?

Happy and content with what you share on social media?

No actually, are you happy with the life you’re living?

Who’s in control?

God or yourself?
Owwwhhhh you’re so much in control I’d like to congratulate you.

You do so well …
For the life that you have, you’re not in control, for the air that you breath, I tell you .

It’s not your might!

HE who created heaven and earth made it possible.

Gave you this day so to do something productive , something glorifying to HIS name!
Have you achieved that?

Are you any close?
Oh you used to

But what happened?
You don’t see results, so you’re tired!

Owwe ….. You’re only human

I get it
You should understand you’re worthless without HIS power and guidance…
You should come to a realization, you’ve borrowed that body, that head, that gift, that ability…

You’re to make accounts of them someday.

Your someday could be unexpected actually, usually it is!

Could be today or tomorrow.

But when tomorrow comes will you be pleased with the type of account you make to your maker?
You can make it right. . .

Draw closer

This world will pass away

But HIS word forever endureth!!
Draw closer !

We will get there!


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