Stress is stress !
There’s nothing productive about Stress,its all Negatively Stressful …
Don’t do it Man
Don’t do it you!
Don’t do it me <say it to thyself >

How adorable kids are while they’re playing in the garden cheerfully stress-free and care-free and thought -free
Well,,you’re an old person ,you’ve got to do some thinking while playing ..

<Yeah,a lot of them>

Why would you wanna stress yourself up this much?
Are you adding an inch to the length of hair you have ?
Are you adding more money into your bank account?
Are you getting any prettier???

<Oh Lord !>

I’d love to stress too to get that flawless skin my body has deprived me of since I grew up !.

I am in dire need of a beautiful flawless attractive ,glamorous skin ,Dear,you have no idea!

Do these then ,

1. Let Go of control ,let go of anything you believe isn’t in your power ,just let go and let God .He’s the author of everything .HE is the beginning and the end .you don’t trust HE’LL keep you safe?
You don’t trust HE’LL take care of you?

<I know its hard,I’ve been there ,I’ve always been there.. Actually ,I am going through that phase at this point of my life .. I’ve been hopeful ,only to be hopeless in a matter of seconds .. Life is bitter sometimes ,why praise God when things go your way and hate HIM when it doesn’t favor you? …. You only stand for goodness and no trials, right?

<Now,that’s not fair >

Hasn’t HE got the power to be sure whether or not you are HIS true servant??
Don’t you ever try to prank your friends ,kids and siblings to be sure they’ll be with you even in hard times???

NB: let’s just say God wants to be able to say to Satan what HE said about Job..He wants to be able to stand up for you ,just as HE trusts you won’t fall ..

2.Pray more ,open up more ,talk less ,Expect NOTHING!
Prayer is only the key to opening closed doors . Prayer connects us to our LIVING FATHER just like an effective communication does in a man and woman’s relationship… Everyone complains when the other partner isn’t communicating his or her feelings to the other party ,so things gets shitty.

God isn’t complaining yet we are!
How funny. It’s a two-way street
Unless you don’t wanna serve HIM and when you want to,it ought to be TRUTHFUL.
Tune your mind into believing you don’t DESERVE ANYTHING!!! Because ,you actually don’t .HE alone giveth and taketh because HE owns it .
Do this and you’ll find peace in trusting on HIM,HIS P E R F E C T Timing and love 🙂

Dont say you love solitude !
connect with friends and family ,talk about your feelings .listen to their stories .you can pick up one or two . Opening up has got nothing to do with plans sharing ,share with God only .work harder yet expect NOTHING…I say again Nothing ! We only get hurt in expectations.

3. Kindly eat right ,do everything right
I know how you feel when things go wrong .you just want to destroy your soul in addition. Why would you do that ,friend?
It won’t change anything ,you’re only going to suffer again,because you’re going to get I’ll and its going to take a lot of time to heal … What do you call that?
Isn’t that worst than having to deal with the previous issue? .now you have two problems!
So you explode ,then loose yourself in the process .

4.Exercise daily
Its just the perfect way to deal with stress
Yoga,Aerobics ,Pilates whatever provided you’re not dying at the end of the day .its just fine!
I remember how liberated I felt one morning with my kits for running through the hood… You just won’t believe it ,I was going through a hard time then (relationship wise) . I just wanted to do it.As a beginner ,I over did this sh**
Unfortunately, I got side effects ,my muscles were hurting ,I just couldn’t walk ,do anything ^PERIOD!!!

Its funny reading this now,however ,it wasn’t funny then .
NB: don’t over do it… You will get there !
Oh my ! The benefits ∆
You will G L O W beautifully D I V I N E!
Don’t do it ,don’t do the stress thing!
If only it’d be paying your bills then, APPROVED!!

We change everyday , change is inevitable. Only learn to adapt .We will plan everyday it may or may not work out. God alone understands why .. Draw near and HE’LL draw nearer to you ….
Dont be too sure about everything .Don’t be hard on yourself ,you will only bleed.
Be open minded. Allow God _God alone!

Baby steps do work out too .
Butterflies are God’s proof,we can live a second life!

Butterup__only Butterup ♥♥♥


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